

What is repeat prescribing?

Sometimes it might be necessary to give you medication for a long period, or even for the rest of your life. We do this using a repeat prescribing service. We will authorise the medication for a fixed period of time or a fixed number of requests. You can request the medication during this time before we need to see you again for a review.

How do I order my repeat prescription?

We do not accept requests by telephone. You can only request items that are set us as repeat prescriptions. If you run out of repeats then you must see a doctor.

We process repeat prescription requests within two working days. Remember to take weekends and bank holidays into account.

Nominating a pharmacy

The NHS uses an electronic prescribing system. This means your prescription goes directly to a pharmacy that you choose. You do not have to visit the practice to collect a paper prescription.

You can select or change your pharmacy in the following ways. This is called a nomination.

How to ask a question about your medication

Medication Reviews

We need to see you at least once a year to review your repeat medications. We will tell you when this is due. The appointment will be with a doctor, pharmacist or nurse. Please ensure you book a review appointment to avoid delays to further prescriptions.

Prescription fees

View the cost of prescriptions and whether you are entitled to free prescriptions by visiting the NHS website:

Local Pharmacies

Pharmacists are experts in medicines who can help you with minor health concerns.

As qualified healthcare professionals, they can offer clinical advice and over-the-counter medicines. They can help with minor illnesses such as coughs, colds, sore throats, tummy trouble and aches and pains.

If your symptoms suggest it’s something more serious, pharmacists have the right training to make sure you get the help you need. For example they will tell you if you need to see a GP, nurse or other healthcare professional.

All pharmacists train for 5 years in the use of medicines. They are also trained in managing minor illnesses and providing health and wellbeing advice.

Many pharmacies are open until late and at weekends. You do not need an appointment.

Most pharmacies have a consultation room where you can discuss issues with pharmacy staff in private.

Use the tool below to find a pharmacy near you.