Test Results

We understand that waiting for test results can be a worrying time. We rely on the timescales provided by the laboratory for when we receive the results, which we then have to review before we can release them to you.

If we are concerned about any of your results then we will contact you to discuss them, or we may invite you in for an appointment if it would be more appropriate to discuss them in person.

You can telephone reception to enquire about test results Monday to Friday from 10:00 onwards. You can also review them in your online record using your preferred app.

Sometimes the laboratory will indicate a result is outside a normal reference range for that particular test, even if only by a little bit. Our clinicians review the results alongside the other clinical information they have and may not be concerned about a minor change from the normal range.

Below is a guide to common tests that are done and the expected time that results are normally back.

The majority of blood test results are back within a couple of days, however, some tests can take up to a week.

Cervical smear 2-3 weeks
Faecal examination 4-7 days
MRI scan report 1-2 weeks
Swab culture and sensitivity 1 week
Ultrasound report 1-2 weeks
Urine examination 4-7 days
Xray report 2-3 weeks